Amy Luong RMT
My name is Amy and I graduated from The West Coast College of Massage Therapy in New Westminster. I’ve been a Registered Massage Therapist for 10+ years now. I had worked in Esthetics for 10 years before becoming an RMT. I made the transition from esthetics to massage therapy to learn more and be able to educate and empower people about their bodies. Our bodies are amazing but unless you know about the human body, it can be very confusing. I’m here to try and make it less confusing.
I love working with women during the entire pregnancy process and post partum recovery period. The midwifery group helped support me in having both of my babies, which is why I am so excited to be working with them to support more mommas. I think this phase is so special and I am incredibly honoured to be part of the team. I’ve taken courses specifically related to the momma bodies and will continue to increase my education in this world as time goes on.
When not at work I spend lots of time with my husband and two daughters. The girls keep us in our toes as kiddos do! My two passions are connecting with people and food. We do a lot of eating as a family while we explore what our beautiful city has to offer.